Начало Английски Български Тестове Системни

Списък с думи на двупосочния английско-български речник

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coach coach-box coach-dog coach-house coachman coaction coadjutor coagulate coagulation coal coal-bed coal-black coal-box coal-bunker coaler coalesce coalescence coalface coalfield coal-gas coal-heaver coal-hole coal-honse coalition coal-measures coal-mine coal-miner coalmouse coal-oil coal-pit coal-sack coal-scuttle coal-seam coal-tar coal-tit coamings coarse coarse-grained coarsely coarsen coarseness coast coastal coaster coast-guard coasting coastline coastwise coat coat-armour coat-dress coated coatee coat-hanger coating coat of arms coat of mail coat-rack coat-stand coat-tails co-author coax coaxial coaxing cob cobalt cobber cobble cobbler cobblestone co-belligerent coble Cobol cobra cobweb coca coca-cola cocaine cocainism cocainize coccus coccyx co-chairman Cochin cochineal cochlea cock cockade cock-a-doodle-doo cock-a-hoop Cockaigne cock-a-leekie cockalorum cock-and-hen cockateel cockatoo cockatrice cockboat cockchafer cock-crow cocked hat cocker cockerel cock-eyed cock-fighting cock-horse cockish cockle cockle-shell cockloft cockney cockpit cockroach cockscomb cocksfoot cockshy cock-sparrow cocksure cocktail cock-up cocky cocky-leeky coco cocoa cocoanut coconut coconut palm cocoon cocotte cod coda coddle code code-book codeine codex codger codices codicil codification codify codlin codling cod-liver oil cods coed coeducation coeducational coefficient coenobite coequal coerce coercion coercive coetaneous coeval coexist coexistence coexistent coextensive coffee coffee bar coffee beans coffee-break coffee cup coffee-grounds coffee-house coffee maker coffee-mill coffee-pot coffee service coffee set coffee shop coffee stall coffee table coffer coffin coffin-bone coffin-nail coffle cog cogency cogent cogently cogged cogitable cogitate cogitation cogitative cognac cognate cognition cognitional cognitive cognizable cognizance cognizant cognomen cognovit cog-wheel cohabit cohabitation coheir coheiress cohere coherence coherent cohesion cohesive cohort coif coiffeur coiffeuse coiffure coign coil coin coinage coin-box coincide coincidence coincident coiner coin-machine coin-op coin-operated coir coition coke cokernut col cola colander colatitude colcannon colchicum cold cold-blooded cold-chisel cold-cream cold cuts cold frame cold front cold-hammer cold-hearted coldly coldness cold-short cold shoulder cold sore cold-storage cold store cold turkey cold war cold wave cole coleoptera cole-slaw coleus colic colicky coliseum colitis collaborate collaboration collaborationist collaborator collage collagen collapse collapsible collar collar-beam collar-bone collar-button collarette collar-stud collate collateral collation colleague collect collectanea collected collection collective collective farm collectivization collector colleen college college pudding collegian collegiate collegiate church collet collide collie collier colliery colligate collimate Collins collision collocate collocation collocutor collodion collogue colloid colloidal collop colloquial colloquialism colloquy collotype collude collusion collusive collyrium collywobbles cologne colon colonel colonelcy colonel-in-chief colonial colonialism colonist colonization colonize colonizer colonnade colony colophon colophony color coloration coloratura colorific colossal colossus colostomy colostrum colour colourable colouration colour bar colour-blind colour-blindness colour-box colourcast coloured colour-fast colourful colouring colourist colourless colour line colourman colour-printing colour scheme colour-sergeant colporteur Colt colter coltish coltsfoot columbarium columbine column columnar columned columnist colza coma comatose comb combat combatant combative comber combination combination-room combinative combinatorial combine combings combing-wool combining form comb-out combustible combustion come come-and-go come-at-able come-back comedian comedienne come-down comedy come-hither comeliness comely come-on comer comestible comet cometary comeuppance comfit comfort comfortable comfortably comforter comfortless comfort station comfrey comfy comic comical comicality comic strip coming coming-out comings Comintern comitadji comity comma command commandant commandeer commander commander-in-chief command-in-chief commanding commandment command module command night commando command performance commemorate commemoration commemorative commence commencement commend commendable commendation commendatory commensal commensurable commensurate comment commentary commentate commentator commerce commercial commercialism commercialize commination comminatory commingle comminute commiserate commiseration commiserative commissar commissariat commissary commission commissionaire commissioned commissioner commissure commit commitment committee commixture commode commodious commodities commodity commodore common commonage commonality commonalty common carrier commoner commonly commonness commonplace commonplace-book common-room commons common sense commonsensical commonweal commonwealth commotion communal communalism commune communicable communicant communicate communication communicative communicator communicatory communion communique communism communist communistic communitarian community communize commutable commutation commutation ticket commutative commutator commute commuter comose comp compact companion companionable companionship company comparable comparative comparatively comparator compare comparison compartment compass compassion compassionate compass-plane compass-saw compatibility compatible compatriot compeer compel compelling compendious compendium compensate compensation compensational compensative compensatory compere compete competence competency competent competition competitive competitor compilation compile compiler complacence complacency complacent complain complainant complaint complaisance complaisant complected complement complemental complementary complete completely completeness completion complex complexion complexity compliance compliant complicacy complicate complicated complication complicity compliment complimentary complin compline comply compo component comport comportment compos compose composed composer composing composite composition compositor compos mentis compost composure compote compound comprehend comprehensible comprehension comprehensive comprehensiveness compress compressible compression compressor comprise compromise compromiser comptometer comptroller compulsion compulsive compulsory compunction compunctious compurgation computable computation compute computer computerize comrade comradely comradeship con conation concatenate concatenation concave concavity conceal concealment concede conceit conceited conceivable conceivably conceive concentrate concentrated concentration concentric concentrically concentricity concept conception conceptive conceptual concern concerned concerning concert concerted concertina concert-master concerto concert pitch concession concessionaire concessioner concessionnaire concessive conch concha conchy concierge conciliate conciliation conciliative conciliatory concinnity concise conciseness concision conclave conclude concluding conclusion conclusive conclusiveness concoct concoction concomitance concomitant concord concordance concordant concordat concourse concrescence concrete concreteness concretion concubinage concubine concupiscence concur concurrence concurrent concuss concussion concussive condemn condemnable condemnation condemnatory condensation condense condenser condescend condescendence condescending condescension condign condiment condition conditional conditioned condolatory condole condolence condominium condonable condonation condone condor condottiere conduce conducive conduct conductance conductibility conductible conduction conductive conductivity conductor conductorship conductress conduct sheet conduit cone coney confab confabulate confabulation confection confectionary confectioner confectionery confederacy confederate confederation confer conference conferment confess confessant confessed confessedly confession confessional confessor confidant confide confidence confidence game confidence man confidence trick confidence trickster confident confidential confidentiality confidentially confidentialness confidently confiding configuration configure confine confinement confirm confirmation confirmative confirmatory confirmed confiscable confiscate confiscation conflagration conflate conflict conflicting confluence confluent conform conformability conformable conformance conformation conformist conformity confound confounded confoundedly confraternity confront confrontation Confucianism confuse confused confusedly confusing confusion confutable confutation confute conge congeal congee congelation congener congeneric congenerical congenerous congenial congeniality congenital congenitally conger congeries congest congested congestion conglomerate conglomeration conglutinate congoese Congolese congou congratulate congratulation congratulatory congregate congregation Congregational Congregationalism congress congressional congressman congressman-at-large congresswoman congruence congruency congruent congruity congruous conic conical conifer coniferous coniform coniine conine conjecturable conjectural conjecturally conjecture conjee conjoin conjoined conjoint conjointly conjugal conjugally conjugate conjugation conjugational conjunction conjunctional conjunctiva conjunctive conjunctively conjunctivitis conjuncture conjuration conjure conjurer conjuror conk conker con man conn connate connatural connect connected connectedly connection connective connexion conning tower conniption connivance connive connoid connoisseur connotation connotative connote connubial connubiality conquer conqueror conquest consanguine consanguineous consanguinity conscience conscience clause conscienceless conscience money conscience-smitten conscience-stricken conscience-struck conscientious conscientiousness conscientious objector conscious consciously consciousness conscribable conscript conscription consecrate consecrated consecration consecution consecutive consecutiveness consensual consensus consent consentient consequence consequent consequential consequentiality consequently conservancy conservation conservationist conservatism conservative conservatoire conservator conservatory conserve consider considerable considerably considerate considerateness consideration considering consign consignation consignee consigner consignment consignor consist consistence consistency consistent consistory consociate consolation consolatory console consolidate consolidated consols consomme consonance consonant consort consortium conspectus conspicuous conspicuousness conspiracy conspirator conspiratress conspire constable constabulary constancy constant constantly constellate constellation consternation constipate constipated constipation constituency constituent constitute constitution constitutional constitutionalism constitutionalize constitutionally constitutive constitutor constrain constrained constrainedly constraint constrict constricted constriction constrictor constringe construct construction constructional constructive constructor construe consuetude consul consular consulate consulship consult consultant consultation consultative consulting consulting hours consulting room consumable consume consumer consumerism consuming consummate consummation consumption consumptive consumptiveness contact contact flight contact-flying contact lens contact man contact-pin contact-plug contagion contagious contain containable contained container containerize containment contaminate contamination contemn contemplate contemplation contemplative contemporaneity contemporaneous contemporary contemporize contempt contemptibility contemptible contemptuous contemptuousness contend contender contending content contented contentedly contentedness contention contentious contentiousness contentment conterminal conterminous contest contestable contestant contestation context contextual contexture contiguity contiguous contiguously continence continent continental continentalism continentally contingencies contingency contingent continual continuance continuant continuation continuative continuator continue continued continuity continuous continuum contort contortion contortionist contour contra contraband contrabandist contrabass contraception contraceptive contract contract bridge contracted contractile contractility contracting party contraction contractive contractor contractual contradict contradictable contradiction contradictious contradictiously contradictiousness contradictor contradictoriness contradictory contradistinction contradistinguish contrail contra-indicated contra-indication contralto contraposition contrapositional contraption contrapuntal contrapuntist contrariety contrarily contrariness contrarious contrariwise contrary contrary to contrast contrastive contrasty contrasuggestible contravene contravention contretemps contribute contribution contributor contributory contrite contrition contrivance contrive contrived contriver control controllable controller control panel control tower controversial controversialist controversy controvert contumacious contumacy contumelious contumely contuse contusion conundrum convalesce convalescence convalescent convene convenience convenient convent conventicle convention conventional conventionalism conventionality conventionalize conventual converge convergence convergent conversable conversance conversant conversation conversational conversationalist conversazione converse conversely conversion convert converter convertible convex convexity convexo-concave convexo-convex convey conveyable conveyance conveyer conveyor convict conviction convince convinced convincible convincing convincingly convivial conviviality convocation convoke convolute convoluted convolution convolve convolvulus convoy convulse convulsion convulsive convulsively cony coo cook cookbook cooker cookery cook-general cook house cookie cooking cooking top cook-out cook-shop cooky cool cooler cool-headed coolie cooling-off coolly coolness coolout coolth coomb coombe coon cooncan coop cooper cooperage co-operate co-operation co-operative co-operative farm co-operative farmer co-operator co-opt co-optation co-option co-ordinate coordinating conjunction coordination coot cootie cop copacetic coparcenary coparcener copartner copartnership cope copeck coper copestone copier copilot coping coping-stone copious cop-out copper copperas copper-beech copper-bottomed copperhead copper-nose copperplate coppersmith coppery coppice coppicing copra coprology coprophagus coprophilia coprophilious copse copt Coptic copula copulate copulation copulative copy copybook copyboy copycat copy desk copyhold copyholder copying copyist copy-reader copyright copywriter coq au vin coquet coquetry coquette coquettish cor coracle coral coralline corallite cor anglais corbel Corbie corbie-steps cord cordage cordate corded cordial cordiality cordite cordon cordon bleu cordovan corduroy corduroys core corelation co-religionist co-respondent corf corgi coriander Corinthian cork corkage corked corker corking cork oak corkscrew cork-tipped corktree corkwood corky corm cormorant corn cornball corn-belt corn bread corn-chandler corn-cob corn-cockle corn-crake corn-dodger cornea cornel corneous corner corner-boy corner-man corner-stone cornerwise cornet corn-factor corn-field cornflakes cornflower cornice corniche Cornish cornishman corn silk cornucopia corny corolla corollary corona coronach coronal coronary coronation coroner coronet corpora corporal corporality corporate corporation corporative corporeal corporeality corporeity corposant corps corps d'armje corps de ballet corps d'elite corps diplomatique corpse corpse-candle corpsman corpulence corpulent corpus corpus christi corpuscle corpuscular corpus delicti corpus juris corpus vili corral correct correction correctitude corrective corrector correlate correlation correlative correspond correspondence correspondent corresponding corrida corridor corridor train corrie corrigendum corrigible corroborant corroborate corroboration corroborative corroboratory corrode corrosion corrosive corrugate corrugation corrupt corruptibility corruptible corruption corruptive corsage corsair corse corselet corselette corset Corsican cortege cortes cortex cortical corticate corticated corundum coruscate coruscation corvee corvette corvine corymb coryphaeus cos cosecant cosh cosher co-signatory cosily cosine cosiness cosmetic cosmetician cosmetics cosmic cosmogony cosmology cosmonaut cosmopolitan cosmopolite cosmopolitism cosmos Cossack cosset cost costal costard cost-effective coster costermonger cost-free costing costive costliness costly costmary costume costume jewelry costumer costumier cosy cot cotangent cote co-tenant coterie co-terminous cothurous cotillon Cotswold cotta cottage cottage cheese cottage hospital cottage industry cottage loaf cottage piano cottager cottar cotter cotton cotton-cake cotton candy cotton-gin cotton-grass cotton-mill cottonmouth cotton-picking cotton-plant cottonseed cottontail cottonweed cottonwood cotton wool cottony cotyledon couch couchanf couchette cougar cough cough-drop cough-lozenge could coulee coulisse couloir coulomb coulter council council-board council-chamber council estate council flat council-house councillor councilman council school councilwoman counsel counsellor count countable count-down countenance counter counteract counteraction counteractive counter-attack counter-attraction counterbalance counterblast counterblow counterbuff countercharge countercheck counter-claim counter-clockwise counter-espionage counterfeit counterfeiter counter-foil counter-intelligence counter-jumper counterman countermand countermarch countermine counter-move counter-offensive counter-offer counterpane counterpart counterplot counterpoint counterpoise counterpoison counterpose counter-productive counterprogramming counter-reformation counter-revolution counter-revolutionary countershaft countersign countersink counter-tenor countervail counter word countess counting-house counting-room countless count noun countrified country country and western country club country cousin country dance country gentleman country house countryman country music country party country rocks country-seat countryside countrywoman county county palatine coup coup de grace coup de main coup d'etat coupde theatre coup d'oeil coupe couple coupler couplet coupling coupon courage courageous courgette courier course courser court court-card court circular court-day court-dress courteous courtesan courtesy courtesy light courtesy title courtezan court game court-guide courthouse courtier courtliness courtling courtly court-martial court order court plaster courtroom courtship courtyard cousin couth couture couturier couvade cove coven covenant covenantee covenantor Coventry cover coverage cover-all cover charge cover crop covered way cover girl cover glass covering coverlet cover shot coverslip cover story covert coverture cover-up covet covetable covetous covetousness covey covin cow cowage coward cowardice cowardly cowbane cowberry cowboy cow-catcher cow college cower cow-fish cow-grass cowhage cowhand cowheel cowherd cowhide cowhouse cowitch cowl cowled cowlick cowman co-worker cow-parsley cow-parsnip cowpox cowpuncher cowrie cowshed cowslip cow town cow-tree cox coxa coxcomb coxcombical coxcombry coxswain coy coyness coyote coypu coz cozen cozenage cozy