Начало Английски Български Тестове Системни

Списък с думи на двупосочния английско-български политехнически речник

Думи започващи с буквите CY

cyamelide cyan cyanamide cyananilide cyanate cyanation cyancarbonic acid cyan colour cyanic acid cyanidation cyanide cyanide case cyanide hardening cyanide ion cyanidine cyanide cyaniding cyanide cyaniding furnace cyanilide cyanine cyanine dye cyanite cyanoacetic acid cyanoacrylic adhesive cyanobutyric cyano complex cyanoethanoic acid cyanoethylation cyanoethylene cyanoform cyanoformic acid cyanogen cyanogen chloride cyanogen halide cyanogenic cyanohydride cyanotype copy cyanuric cyanuric acid cybernetic machine cybernetics cybernetic system cyclamate cyclane cycle cycle-by-cycle device cycle car cycle-check cycle control cycle counter cycle distributor cycle frequency cycle generator cycle index cycle inspection cycle life cyclelog cycle of magnetization cycle of operation cycle of stresses cyclic cyclical field cyclical variation cyclic annealing cyclic bond cyclic code cyclic compound cyclic frequency cyclic group cyclic hydrocarbons cyclic load cyclic magnetization cyclic operation cyclic process cyclic register cyclic shift cyclic storage cyclic stress cyclic variation cycling cyclization cyclobutadiene cycloconverter cyclogenesis cyclogram cyclograph cyclography cyclohexane cyclohexanol cyclohexanon cyclohexasulphur cyclohexene cycloidal curve cycloidal gear cycloidal gearing cycloidal tooth cycloidal toothing cycloide cycloinverter cyclone cyclone collar cyclone-fire boiler cyclone furnace cyclone separator cyclone washer cyclonic cyclone cyclooctasulphur cyclopean block cyclopean concrete cyclopean riprap cyclopean rubble cyclopean rubble masonry dam cyclopentadiene cyclopentadienyl cyclopentadienyl compound cyclopentane cyclophosphazen cyclopolymerization cyclopolymerize cyclopropane cyclorectifier cyclosulphur cyclosymmetry cyclosynchrotron cyclothem cyclotomy cyclotron cyclotron frequency cyclotron resonance cyclotron-wave amplifier cylinder arrangement cylinder block cylinder bore cylinder-bore diameter cylinder bore gauge cylinder-boring machine cylinder cam cylinder camses cylinder clearance cylinder cut cylinder displacement cylinder end cylinder face cylinder flange cylinder furnace cylinder gasket cylinder gauge cylinder grinder cylinder-grinding machine cylinder grinding wheel cylinder head cylinder-head gasket cylinder-honing machine cylinder jacket cylinder lagging cylinder liner cylinder oil cylinder operator cylinder-polishing machine cylinder press cylinder ratio cylinder-relief cock cylinder sleeve cylinder stock cylinder truck cylinder volume cylinder washer cylindre cover cylindre-head cover cylindric cylindrical cylindrical antenna cylindrical attachment cylindrical bearing cylindrical boiler cylindrical cathode cylindrical cavity-type magnetron cylindrical-coordinates robot cylindrical fit cylindrical function cylindrical grinding cylindrical-grinding machine cylindrical harmonic cylindrical intersecting vault cylindrical journal cylindrical key cylindrical mill cylindrical plate cylindrical reamer cylindrical reflector cylindrical roaster cylindrical screw cylindrical shell cylindrical slide valve cylindrical spoiral spring cylindrical thread cylindrical tool box cylindrical turning cylindrical wave cylindrical worm cylindric drier cylindric mill cylindric roaster cylnder cymatium cymene cymidine cymogene cymophenol cystamine cysteic acid cysteine cystine cytidine cytisine cytochrome cytochrome-oxidase cytosine